There are quite a lot of electronic components needed for DIY smart door locks. These components work together to realize the various functions of smart door locks.

The following is a detailed introduction to these electronic components:

Microprocessor (CPU)

  • Function: The CPU is the core of the smart door lock and is responsible for all calculations and the realization of smart door lock functions. Compared with mechanical locks, smart locks require more processing and calculations, so a more powerful and stable CPU is required.
  • Features: High performance, low power consumption, able to handle complex encryption, decryption algorithms, and identity authentication functions.


  • Type: Including but not limited to door lock status sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, smoke sensors, etc.
  • Function: Detect various states of door locks and environmental parameters, such as whether the door lock is closed, indoor temperature, humidity, and whether there are abnormal conditions such as smoke.
  • Function: When an abnormal situation is detected, the sensor can trigger an alarm system or perform other security measures.

Wireless communication module

  • Type: Common ones include Wi-Fi module, Bluetooth module, etc.
  • Function: Enable the door lock to communicate wirelessly with remote devices such as mobile phones and computers to achieve remote control and management.
  • Function: Users can remotely view the door lock status, send unlocking commands or receive alarm information through mobile phone APP, etc.

Power management chip

  • Function: Ensure the stability and long-term reliability of the door lock power supply, while controlling power consumption and extending battery life.
  • Feature: Low power design, which can automatically reduce power consumption when the door lock is idle to save power.

Electronic lock core

  • Function: Realize the physical switch function of the door lock, which is one of the core components of the smart door lock.
  • Feature: High-quality electronic lock cores are usually controlled by microprocessors and have the characteristics of impact resistance, vibration resistance, and anti-destruction.

Identification module

  • Type: According to different identification methods, it can be divided into fingerprint recognition module, password recognition module, RFID recognition module (such as RFID-RC522 module), etc.
  • Function: Verify the user’s identity by identifying the user’s fingerprint, password or access card and other information.
  • Function: After the identity verification is passed, control the opening of the door lock.

Auxiliary components

  • Includes: Circuit components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and prompt components such as LED indicators and buzzers.
  • Function: Assist the main components to complete the circuit connection, signal amplification, conversion and display functions.

Other specific components

  • Such as: In the DIY process, specific connectors, DuPont wires, breadboards and other tools and components may also be needed to build and debug the circuit.

Software and programming

  • Requirements: In addition to the above electronic components, DIY smart door locks also require software programming to realize various intelligent functions of the door lock.
  • Tools: Usually, development boards such as Arduino and corresponding programming software (such as Arduino IDE) are required for programming.

In summary

Smart door lock DIY requires a variety of electronic components, which work together to achieve the intelligence and security of the door lock.

In the DIY process, it is necessary to select appropriate components according to actual needs, and carry out reasonable circuit design and software programming to ensure the normal operation and security of the door lock.

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