We have a global sales team available to assist you with electronic component sourcing services, send your request list immediately and you’ll receive a quote shortly!

Email: anwenqq2690502116@gmail.com

The electronic products we operate are widely used in various fields, including communication equipment, aerospace, automotive electronics, computer equipment, Internet of Things, electronic equipment, instrumentation, security and fire protection, medical equipment, printed circuit board manufacturing and other fields.

Professional electronic component supplier solutions, IC, chips, memory, tantalum capacitors, crystal oscillators, diodes and transistors, inductors, power modules, WiFi modules, LED modules,

We provide global electronic component brands. We have established stable relationships with TI, MAXIM, NS, ON, SONY, NXP, ATMEL, INTEL, WINBOND, ST, TOSHIBA, ALTERA, HYINX, NS, MICRON, etc. and component developers in Hong Kong and Taiwan. business relationships and enjoys franchise distribution rights for components from many companies. The company has a large inventory all year round and provides customers with professional ordering services.

Our company has been committed to developing into one of the best electronic component suppliers in the IC industry. It is also an electronic component manufacturer with world-leading technology. IC hybrid (authorized and non-authorized) electronic components distributor.

At the same time, our company also sincerely welcomes merchants from all walks of life to come for negotiation and guidance, and work together to create brilliance for the electronics industry, pursue innovation, and pursue excellence! Let’s create a prosperous future together!

We are a manufacturer and distributor of electronic components in China. If you need to understand the Chinese market or purchase electronic components, please contact us.