When purchasing electronic components to go through customs, whether a product certification certificate is required depends on many factors, including the requirements of the importing country, the type and purpose of the electronic components, and the method of import.

Do I need a product certificate to purchase electronic components through customs?

The following are some product certification certificates and related requirements that may be involved:

Importing country requirements

Different countries have different requirements for imported electronic components. Some countries may require electronic components to undergo specific certifications, such as CE certification, FCC certification, UL certification, etc., to ensure product safety and compliance with relevant regulations. Therefore, before purchasing electronic components, you need to understand the requirements of the importing country to determine whether a product certification certificate is required.

Types and uses of electronic components

Different types of electronic components may have different safety and performance requirements.

For example, some electronic components may be used in medical equipment, aerospace and other fields, which have higher requirements for product quality and safety. Therefore, for specific types of electronic components, specific product certifications may be required.

Electronic component manufacturers and suppliers

Import method

The method of importation also affects whether a product certification certificate is required. If electronic components are imported through general trade, a product certification certificate is usually required to prove the quality and safety of the product. And if electronic components are imported through special trade methods, such as donations, samples, etc., product certification certificates may not be required.

To sum up, whether a product certification certificate is required when purchasing electronic components to go through customs depends on many factors. In order to ensure smooth import and compliance with relevant regulations, it is recommended to communicate with suppliers and relevant departments of the importing country before purchasing to understand the specific requirements and procedures. At the same time, it is recommended to keep relevant product certification certificates and supporting documents so that they can be provided in time when needed.

In China, which imported electronic components do not require product certification certificates?

According to the “Announcement on No longer Implementing Compulsory Product Certification Management for Some Electronic and Electrical Products” issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation (No. 34, 2022), the compulsory product certification catalog has been adjusted to include products with low safety risks and relatively high technology. Nine mature electronic and electrical products are no longer subject to compulsory product certification management.

In China, what testing is required for imported electronic components?

Among them, there are 7 types of electronic products and safety accessories, including single and multi-speaker active speakers with a total output power of less than 500W (effective value), audio power amplifiers, and audio and video recording, playback and processing equipment in various carrier forms ( Including various types of optical disks, tapes, hard disks and other carrier forms), electronic keyboards, cordless telephone terminals, data terminals and multimedia terminals. There are 2 types of security products, including intrusion detectors and anti-theft alarm controllers.

At the same time, the majority of import traders and individuals who purchase such electronic and electrical products from abroad do not need to provide a compulsory product certification (CCC certificate) when making entry declarations to China Customs. They can directly rely on the 10-digit HS code requirements corresponding to the product. Initiate customs declaration business to the customs for other procedures.

Complete range of electronic components

Therefore, for the above nine types of electronic and electrical products, product certification certificates are not required when importing. However, please note that specific import requirements may vary depending on the importing country and import method. It is recommended to communicate with the supplier and the relevant departments of the importing country before purchasing to understand the specific requirements and procedures.

In China, what testing is required for imported electronic components?

Imported electronic components require a series of tests to ensure their quality and safety. The following are some common detection items:

Routine testing

It mainly tests the appearance, size, electrical performance, safety performance, etc. of electronic components. Test basic parameters according to the component specifications, such as triodes, including appearance, size, ICBO, VCEO, VCES, HFE, pin pull force, pin bending, solderability, soldering heat resistance and other items.

Reliability test

Mainly tests the lifespan and environmental testing of electronic components. Test the life of the device and various environmental tests according to the user’s requirements and specifications, such as high temperature test, low temperature test, moisture test, vibration test, maximum load test, high temperature durability test and other tests.

DPA analysis

It mainly controls the internal structure and process of the device. For example, transistors, the main methods include X-ray detection of the internal structure, acoustic scanning to monitor the internal structure and packaging process, and unpacking to monitor the internal wafer structure and size.

Please note that specific testing items and requirements may vary depending on the importing country and import method. Therefore, before importing electronic components, it is recommended to communicate with suppliers and relevant departments of the importing country to understand the specific requirements and procedures.